Product Planning
Involves making decisions about those Features that are needed to sell a business’s products, services, or ideas.
Product Mix
Includes all the different products that a company makes or sells.
Pick a company and copy and paste their product mix below:
Product Line
A group of closely Related Products manufactured and/or sold by a business.
Pick a company and show an example of their product line.
Product Item
A Specific , model, brand, or size of a product within a product line.
Pick a company and show an example of their product item.
Product Width
The number of different product Lines a business manufactures or sells.
Product Depth
The number of product Items offered within each product line.
Pick a company and show an example of their product width and depth formatted like the slide show example.
Product Mix Strategies
• The Plan for how the business determines which products it will make or stock
• May develop completely New products
• May Expand their current product lines
• May Drop existing products
Developing New Products
• Generating Ideas
–Come from a Variety of sources
– Creativity is essential
• Screening Ideas
–Ideas are Evaluated against the company’s overall objectives.
•Developing a Business Proposal
–Consider a product’s potential Sales, Costs and production requirements.
• Developing The Product
–The new idea takes Physical Shape
–Marketers Develop a marketing Strategy
•Testing the Product With Consumers
• Introducing the Product
–The product has been Researched Successfully
–This stage also is called Commercialization
• Evaluating Customer Acceptance
–Marketers Track new product Performance